I've been busy lately creating and making things using a range of new products that we're now stocking after the Craft Show we attended at the NEC in Feb. Items are now finally hitting the shop, so what better way to display it than to feature it in the window.
Just in time for Easter, I've been making little pom pom chicks from scratch, using just yellow pom poms, scraps of orange felt, and little googly eyes. Look out for them in the upcoming pics. They're all over the display.
Another item I'm super pleased with is my "Keep Calm and Cross Stitch" cross stitch. This is a little design I made up on some graph paper, so we don't stock it, but I thought it was an awesomely fashionable way to tempt people into dabbling with a bit of cross stitch. Plus, I got to use some epic red aida, to show off the new colour range.
Check out the cute appliqué tote bags:
We also have some scrummy handmade cupcake pin cushions and fruit slice purses in stock:
A little old lady knits us tons of baby garments to sell in store. What better way of letting the customer know than to have them all on display for all to see.
We've also had a bunch of new dress fabrics arrived in store. There's some beautiful florals, like the one I've dressed the mannequin in:
Happy Easter!