The Poles' like circluar bread - no idea of their actual title!
We found an epic bar called Singer. Instead of ordinary tables, they used old Singer sewing machines, which used to be built into the table. Awesome.
Not only did we recieve a hot breakfast upon our early arrival (6:30am), but we also got a hot tea time meal, AND we had a computer, complete with internet in our room!! That's luxury! ...on the fun side, the hostel organised a drinking tour of Krakow. We sampled various flavoured vodkas (almond was the tastiest mmm) and drank beer from a huge pipe. We ended up in a "rock" club with low celings - it felt just like being a Cockpit again! Epic night.
The following day, we visited Auschswitz and Birkenau concentration camps. The events that took place there aren't worth mentioning. Just terrible. But they should forever be remembered.